Use critical thinking skills to move your career forward

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why some people seem to be able to effortlessly resolve problems, lead a business, and make sound decisions? It could be down to their critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills bring clarity, but not everyone has them. 

In this article, we're asking: what is critical thinking, exactly, and how can it help my career?

What is critical thinking?

Let's begin with a critical thinking definition. According to Merriam-Webster, critical thinking is the act of thinking critically in order to solve problems, evaluate information, and discern biases. Critical thinking skills are generally considered to be a high-level reasoning attribute required to get ahead in any sector. 

So, what is a critical thinker? We'd consider a critical thinker to be someone who is open-minded, questioning, and willing to look at things from different points of view in order to arrive at a logical conclusion. 

Why are critical thinking skills important to a career?

Critical thinkers have a lot to offer in the workplace and can be highly valued employees. The ability to think critically means that they're likely to make better decisions, feel more confident and empowered, and take an informed approach to problem-solving. Clearly, these are all desirable traits and ones possessed by successful senior leaders

If you can develop and demonstrate strong critical thinking skills, you'll be positioning yourself for career success. As a bonus, critical thinking skills are transferable, meaning that you'll be able to use them to propel your career in any industry. 

Examples of critical thinking skills

Critical thinking skills come in all shapes and sizes, so let's take a look at the most common.


Critical thinkers don't just take information at face value. They dive deep, analyzing and evaluating information, data, and statistics in order to draw a fully informed conclusion. 


Logic and reasoning are key for critical thinkers. They're driven by facts rather than emotion and make decisions based on careful consideration of all options. 


Problem-solving is where critical thinkers excel. They're able to resolve complex challenges by going beyond the obvious, taking various sources into consideration, and showing a willingness to consider different ideas. 

Listening and open-mindedness

Active listening is a necessary skill for critical thinkers. Rather than relying solely on their own instincts and judgments, critical thinkers take input from multiple people and places and give fair weight to each. 

Managing ambiguity

As they're open to new ideas and information and use logic and analysis to solve problems, critical thinkers are well-equipped to manage and navigate through ambiguity to develop realistic solutions. 

Examples of using critical thinking in the workplace 

Let's look now at some examples of how those critical thinking skills can be applied practically in the workplace. 

Resolving conflict

A leader with good critical thinking skills will evaluate both sides in any workforce disagreement, forging a path to the truth and developing solutions acceptable to all parties. 

Providing feedback

In situations such as performance appraisal or mentoring, critical thinking is necessary to evaluate strengths and weaknesses and to provide constructive feedback.

Allocating resources

When projects or teams are competing for the same people or assets, critical thinking is required to evaluate, prioritize, and resolve the situation. 

Planning future strategy

Business leaders are never content to roll with the status quo. Driving a business forward requires constant re-evaluation, input, and analysis. The critical thinker will use all the information at their disposal to resolve existing issues and plan strategies that will put the business in a strong position in the future. 

Ways to improve your critical thinking skills

While some people seem to be natural critical thinkers, it is possible to develop this skill with time and effort. Try some of these techniques to build your own critical thinking abilities: 

  • Ask questions to gather information 

  • Don't accept information at face value 

  • Analyze arguments and evidence before making decisions

  • Seek multiple perspectives

  • Be aware of biases – your own and those of others 

  • Participate in discussions and read widely

Show off your critical thinking skills on your resume

In this article, we've provided a definition of critical thinking, showing why critical thinking skills are valued in the workplace and looking at some practical examples. Does your resume reflect these skills, though? Use your resume to show how you can solve business problems, accommodate different perspectives, and account for biases, and you'll soon be rocketing up that career ladder. 

Do you need a new perspective on your resume? The experts at TopResume are waiting to give you constructive feedback. Send yours in now for a free resume review to ensure you're capturing the skills needed for your next step. 

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