When it comes to requesting a transfer, you don't want to start off on the wrong foot.

Promotions and the idea of new opportunities help keep the mundane task of going to work seem more exciting. If nothing else, a career change can keep things from going stagnant. 

  • Have you been working under the same boss for the past few years and feel like you need a change? 

  • Do you believe there is a better job for you in a different department? 

  • Is there a new internal position that will allow you to evolve and grow? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's probably time to tell your boss you want to transfer. It can be a nerve-wracking thing to do. Fret not, though! There are several ways you can tell your boss you want a transfer – here are five. 

1. Set up a meeting with your boss

You can't tell your boss you want to transfer without first getting some time in front of him or her. Be sure you have your game plan in place before you walk into their office, though. 

  • Read through the company's transfer policy to find out what's required before requesting your transfer

  • Clarify the internal application process with your human resources representative or hiring manager

  • Considering the fact that requesting a transfer can be emotional, write down what you want to say and practice saying it in a logical and professional manner

  • Maintain professionalism and iterate how you know that you'll be a great asset to the new team – just like you would if you were applying for a new job

2. Make it clear that it's not personal

Part of leaving emotions out of telling your boss you want to transfer is letting him or her know that it's not personal. The fact that you are making an internal transfer request doesn't mean you're unhappy. Let them know you simply want to explore the new opportunity as a way to gain experiences and branch out on new paths. 

Explain to your boss why you're looking for this shift in your career. It'll help to explain how you will add value to the new team with your technical expertise and why that is in the company's best interest. Make sure that you also articulate your gratitude for the experience you have gained from your current team.

Even if you're requesting an internal transfer because you're unhappy with the current manager, don't apply to several openings within the same week. That just shows you're desperate to jump ship. 

3. Upgrade your resume

Once you have researched and identified the positions available for internal transfer in your company, it's time to upgrade your resume and cover letter. 

  • Read through the job description in the advertised role thoroughly, identifying the critical skills the new department is seeking from candidates. 

  • Then, list your skills and experience that match the new position. 

  • Identify the gaps between your skill set and the requirements for the new job and come up with a strategic plan to acquire those skills to close the gaps as much as possible 

  • Highlight your plan to acquire any new competencies during the job interview you have for the new role, proving to the new hiring manager that you care about professional growth and are proactive enough to fix what needs to be fixed

  • Tailor your existing resume with the new keywords and send it off to the new hiring manager
  • Use AI to perfect your resume by having a platform like ChatGPT analyze the job description and suggest relevant keywords and phrases that align with the role you want.

Expert tip: If you haven't updated your resume in a long time, it would be a great idea to submit it for an expert resume review to check and make sure it highlights your achievements and is keyword optimized, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

4. Leverage networking to get your foot in the door

When you want to request an internal transfer, your networking skills should be sharp. You'll never be able to fully understand the open position from the job description alone, and it helps tremendously to talk to someone senior in the new department to better understand the work culture and work expectations. 

Make it a point to mingle with colleagues from different departments rather than just staying within your own clique. This way, you can find out more about job openings and market your skills to potential managers informally before even going in for the interview! 

Networking is also a great way to stay current with the company's recent news, even those updates that are not directly related to your current job scope.

5. Offer to train a replacement before leaving

When you tell your boss you want to transfer, you are essentially leaving your boss in the stressful position of finding and training a replacement for you. Now, under duress, he or she might, in turn, take it out on you. 

In order to maintain a good relationship with your boss, even after you request a transfer, be sure to offer to make his or her life easier by creating a transition plan and training a replacement prior to leaving. Even if this means working extra hours to keep up with your current assignments and the task of training a replacement, it's worth it, as your boss would really appreciate your courtesy. 

There's nothing wrong with requesting a job transfer, just make sure to be mindful of your others' feelings in the process.

Your new work home is out there

Overall, requesting an internal transfer requires a level of tact, courtesy, and knowledge of the process. Before you're ready to jump ship and dive into a new department, make sure you follow these tips and prepare yourself.

Click on the following link for more career advice on how to get ahead.

You might be ready for a transfer, but how ready is your resume? Check now with a professional resume review — on us!

This article was originally written by Iswari Nallisamy. It's been updated by Marsha Hebert.

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